Cronicas Febriles

Monday, July 18, 2005

Estos dias he estado apartado de todo, de todos. ¿Porqué?. Porque soy gay. Je, ando asi como cuando las chicas ven algo lindo y se ponen a llorar, si, asi exactamente... solo que todo me parece hermoso/triste/melancolico.

Eso si, yo soy lo unico nohermoso. Y eso es feo.

Por cierto, the coral son hermosos. :'(

I can't go to work
The boss is a jerk
I ain't got time for this school
Ah, the fuckers are fools

Lie around with the T.V. on
I don't do nothin'
I just hang aroundWaitin' for your call
But I don't know where to fall*

I'm am goingo to explode

It's no use
I can't take no more abuse
I'm tired of the fuckingin' lines
Ah, I'm losin' my mind

I'm going to explode

Kickin' out the jams
Really who remembers?
I play guitar for my car
And I won't get very far

I'm going to explode